

Today, our emotional makeup and our tapestry of needs are different from past generation. In fact, love is becoming increasingly selfish. Vanity and the drive for unrealistic appearances has already brought pain to many of us, and the modern conception of ‘identity’is the enemy of critical thinking and true self-awareness. This new identity results in anxiety, uneasiness, fear of rejection, being judged, and a battery of other modern and increasingly prominent neuroses.


Light up Your Soul Like No One Else 160 x 100cm Pigment print on canvas    2019

The Affection You Deserve 160 x 100cm Pigment print on canvas    2019




Emotionally and Spritually in Love 160 x 100cm Pigment print on canvas    2019



Better Than Winning the Lottery  160 x 100cm (63 x40 inches) Pigment print on canvas    2019



Sensitive to Your Needs  160 x 100cm (63 x40 inches)    Pigment print on canvas    2019



With Every Challenge Comes Excitement  160 x 100cm (63 x40 inches)  Pigment print on canvas  2019



Perfection is Attainable Here   160 x 100cm (63 x40 inches)  Pigment print on canvas   2019